What is Acceptance & Commitment Training (ACT)?
ACT (pronounced as the word) is a third-wave behavioral intervention that aims to increase psychological flexibility to maximize the potential for living life fully and meaningfully. ACT can be offered in coaching with a certified life coach and in therapy with a licensed therapist.
ACT teaches 6 main skills:
Values: the qualities you want to be known for in your life, the words you would use to describe the person you truly want to be. Some examples of values are being a compassionate friend, being dedicated to your health, being adventurous, being a loving partner.
Present Moment Awareness: being mindfully in the here and now, aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surroundings while still being focused on the present moment.
Acceptance: a willingness to open up and make room for uncomfortable or painful situations and experiences, rather than futilely attempting to avoid, deny, or get rid of them. Struggling with what we cannot control often leads to MORE pain and discomfort, taking our attention and energy away from the things that are more meaningful and worthwhile.
Defusion: learning to distance yourself from your thoughts, to detach from unhelpful judgments, worries, and fears rather than getting swept away by them.
Perspective-Taking (Self-as-Context): learning that there is a part of you that is observing you having thoughts and feelings, perhaps even recognizing that these thoughts and feelings are constantly changing like the weather.
Committed Action: creating patterns of behavior that support the direction you want to take your life, even when it’s difficult. These actions are guided by our values - what truly matters to us.